Your Daily Dose of Calm & Peace
1. Support your Physical Wellbeing
How well you feel affects your state of mind and all of your daily activities. Some main points to keep in mind when it comes to the wellbeing of you and your family are:
- The health of your digestive system is affected by the food you eat. As Hippocrates stated, “Let thy food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
- Reduce processed and packaged foods, identify and eliminate food sensitivities, ensure you are getting enough water, protein, vegetables and avoid foods that have food colouring or dyes and are high in processed sugar.
Blood Test Results
- When looking at your blood test results, it is important to know that an optimal range or value exists within the given reference ranges for any blood test. If your results fall within the given reference ranges, it does not mean your results are optimal. Values below or above the reference ranges are considered disease states. Talk with your health care professional about your test results. This also applies to children.
2. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule
Staying organized is important. Schedule specific times for self-care and family time and no matter what, do not skip or miss these commitments and be present. For example, if you schedule a family walk every Thursday evening around 5PM for 30 minutes, stick to it regardless of what happened during the day. Those thirty minutes are your family time.
3. Identify What Brings You Inner Peace
Self-care is important and will make you a better parent. Identify what brings you inner peace and depending on the activity, ensure you are doing it on a continual basis. Finding what brings you peace can be difficult and is something that can change over time. This month, it may be meditating for twenty minutes before bed and next month it may be getting a facial at the spa. Scheduling family outings is another great way for the entire family to relax and strengthen relationships.
4. Include the Little Ones
Include your children when doing housework or cooking. Allowing them to participate will instill confidence, is great bonding time and keeps them busy doing something constructive. This is a great way to learn more about your child, create a strong bond and secure attachment.
5. Laugh
Did you know that smiling and laughing prompt your body to release hormones that make you happy? Children are fantastic teachers and they will help you remember what it is like to be uninhibited, free, happy and full of laughter. Laughter is contagious and this will create a chain of laughter throughout the entire house!
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