One of those mornings. Wrong side of the bed. Just hasn't been my day.

Keeping high vibes flowing and maintaining a positive attitude is of utmost importance to me. But hey, I'm human, with a complex array of feelings and emotions. I feel the highs, but of course I feel the lows. And although optimism comes quite naturally to me, at times, it takes a bit of work to see the bright side of things. 

Today, I woke up feeling, well, just 'off'. 

From the lagging gym workout, to the messy house, to the 100 x's I asked my kids to get dressed and brush their teeth, I was thrown. 

As Gabby says, 'We can't live in the light all of the time....but we can come back fast'


So with Gabby's voice whispering in my ear, and filling my mind and spirit with hope, I was reminded of the 3 part ritual I preach in my home (and out loud to the world!), and decided on the spot, that it was up to me to change my state. I needed to walk my own talk.

Breathe. Move. Gratitude. 

1. Breathe.

I sat down and started to breathe. Deep, long breaths, in....and....out. I focused on the breath. I felt the air fill my abdomen, then my chest. I closed my eyes. In....and....out. In....and....out.

I felt the warm breeze and imagined my lungs filling with the sweet, fresh, spring air, and I could almost taste and smell it. In.....

I imagined exhaling the toxins from my body. The negative thoughts. The bad energy. Out....

I opened my eyes, and for the first time today, I noticed the beauty surrounding me. Birds chirping. Sun shining. Lush, green trees swaying all around me.

2. Move. 

My mind was calm. My body relaxed. I wanted to maintain this peaceful feeling, so my movement started slowly. A series of stretches, I could feel the blood flowing. The unwanted tension releasing. 

Releasing. Releasing. Up dog....

Releasing. Releasing. Down dog....

Releasing. Releasing.

I nestled myself into child's pose, closed my eyes, and opened my heart to the power of gratitude.

3. Gratitude.

The air. The crisp, fresh air. The trees. The beautiful, blossoming trees. The birds. Singing their sweet, sweet songs. 

My supportive and loving husband. My beautiful, spirited, and energetic children. Our health. We have our health! My home. My home that feels like home more than any other home I've ever called home. 

I felt thankful. So incredibly thankful. Humbled. Blessed. 

With a sprinkle of self-compassion, and through each simple shift, I chose love, I chose light, and I chose to transform my emotional state.


Lindy xo

Meet the Author

Lindy Sood is a multi-passionate entrepreneur and a mama on a mission to spread love, teach mindfulness, and guide our children to a better tomorrow. Co-Founder of Love Powered Co., Lindy's passion for personal growth and spiritual health reaches back to her own childhood and is now being extended into her business. Currently living in the Greater Toronto Area, you can find Lindy working on her business, mommy-ing, running, yoga-ing, writing, green-juicing or networking with beautiful, inspiring women who fuel the soul.

September 12, 2018 — Lindy Sood